Meet the Hudson's

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New Year!

Well, I have not been on here in a long time, mostly because I did not think anyone was reading this. But I am now going to try this again and even if no one reads it I am going to keep going. There was a lot that happened to me and my family during 2011, mostly good but a few bad things happened.

I have made a few changes in 2011. The two biggest are that I am back in school and I left my job after 6 years. I am now going to a university called Ashford. I am taking online classes and love it. I take one class at a time for five weeks each. I have finished 9 classes already and now I am on my 10th one. I am doing pretty good in my classes I have a 2.77 GPA right now. I am going for business, and plan on being done in August of 2013! It is a lot different than what I have been doing. For the past six years I have worked in a nursing home as a nurses aid. I left in October for two reason, one because of some health issues and it was becoming to hurt on my emotions. I was having some issues with my legs, back, neck, and arms hurting. The pain stopped for awhile after I left the nursing home but now have started back. I am not sure what is happening but I do think it has something to do with my nerves, I am planning to go see a doctor. It really become a problem when I started to fear that I was going to hurt someone because I could not lift people any more without pain. I also started having isssues dealing with the people passing away. The last few that passed hit me the hardest. I started having painc attacks because of them and it really made it hart to do my job. I do miss everyone from the nursing home it really was like another family. But I do enjoy my time with Dakota.

Miss Dakota is getting so big! She is learning so much and is so smart. She has learned her numbers to 11 and her colors. She is trying to learn her letters. She is on the go from the time she gets up until she hits the bed! She really enjoyed 2011! She was really into the hoildays this year, all of them! She did not want me to make her halloween costume this year so we went with the walmart Batgirl costume. I had a hard time letting that go. She loved eating all the great food at Thanksgiving and really got into giving this year. She learned about how there are children and adults that are not as blessed as she is and that it is nice to give to them so that they could enjoy their Thanksgiving and Christmas. For Christmas this year she really like the lights. We went many times to see Christmas lights and santa. We live in a small town where we do a Tree Lighting night downtown. It was a lot of fun and a great ways to kick off the hoildays. We went with my mom, sister, and my neice and nephews. They all had so much fun. They even met the Reidsville magic elf and got to help light the tree downtown. She also learned more about the true meaning of Christmas. So this year she was only got three gifts from Santa. She still go so much but this year she really got to understand what Christmas meant. She is really enjoying learning about Christ. I am enjoying teaching her all kind of new things.

Our family is trying a few new things this year and I know it is going to work for us. We are going to pay off some debt so that we can ensure of furture of ourselfs and for Kota. The hubby and I are starting a new thing where we go a date night at least once a month. So far we have had fun doing this. I have been finding some great ideas on, I love that site. As for this blog I am going to keep writing as if someone is reading. I am going to be sharing how things are going with my girl and the family. I will also be sharing craft ideas and letting you know how they turn out.

Well, so if anyone is reading Happy 2012. I know that this year is going to bring great things for my family!!!

Sunday, October 31, 2010


I am a major bipolar person whom also has OCD and ADHD, which if I only had one thing I think it would my world a lot easier. But I have all three and days like today it really makes it so hard. I have this world in my mind in which everything is always perfect! In my mind my house should always be clean and everything in it spot. My clothes always wash, dry, and put up in there place. I would not be so in debt that I lose my mind every month. I would have a job in which I would make a lot money and be able to still have all the time in the world to do what I wanted when I wanted. But the real world in which I live is nothing like that. My house is always in need of being clean and it seems the more I do the more it needs it. The clothes are always dirty, and after last month they are really back up. Our dryer went out last month and we had to get a new one. We did go to my mom's and do to some clothes but once we made up our mind to go get a new set we did not go wash any more so when we got the new set there were about a month of clothes on the floor. My dishes are always needing to be wash and I HATE washing them they end up sitting there longer then I would like. I am in debt up to my head! Which makes me go nuts every month when trying to put together our budget for the month. I we have not play room in our budget which kills me when there is something I would like do to with Dakota or for our self. I hate when I go somewhere and I watch everyone else with money be able to do what I wish I could. When I do I end up crying later. And I think that only makes it harder  because then I feel so stupid for crying our something that is my fault. I want to do something with my life in which I would make more money but I don't know what that something is. I have all kind of ideas but I don't know which one to do for a career.
While all of those things look bad if I could get over this perfect world in my head I could see that the world I live in is perfect. I would see that I have a happy and healthy baby girl. She has a daddy who loves her more than anything and I have a husband whom loves me every day. I would also see that the house that always needs to be clean means that we have the time to play with our baby girl and that we have the things to have a mess house. That the dishes mean that we have food to eat. The clothes all over the floor mean that we have more then enough clothes to wear even when you can't see the kitchen floor. The fact that we are in debt that makes me go nuts every month means that we are living and while I am going nuts we do make the money to pay our bills. The jobs we have do not make a lot of money but we have jobs which makes us lucky because there are so many people whom would love to have my perfect life. While I don't know what I want to do for a career I do have dreams which will keep me moving to reach them.
I wish I could remember this every time the real world was not as perfect as the one in my head. I hate have so many issues and I wish my baby girl did not have to put up with them. I know that they are easy for her to deal with. I wish I could just shut off the "perfect" world and just think about the here and now. I think to help me remember all the perfect things in my real world I am going to make a list and put them in a frame so that I can see it everyday and remember the real world is better then the one in my head.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Day 5

Day 5 picture:
I did not take this picture, my sister did! I love having and taking pictures of my little girl. She is only two and I do believe she has more pictures of herself then any other child. She loves getting dress up to have her pictures taking. She does have day where she will ask mommy to stop. The other day she pulled her hat over her face so I could not take any more. I am just glad today she was willing to let us take them!

Our new puppy Maggie. She is in love because she can pick her up!

I did take this one. She was putting some chip stick on.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day 2,3,4

Well, like I always do I have gotten behind once again; so here are pictures from day 2, day 3, and day 4.

Day 2

This is a picture from the Lazy 5 ranch in NC. It is a reindeer. It is not that clear but I think the way it turned out is so great. I don't know if I could get it to turn out like this again if I wanted to. We went to the ranch with family and some new friends. We had so much fun! It was a great fall day, the sun was shining but not to hot that you was thinking I am going to die if  I don't get inside. We got to see a lot of animals and touch some that we would not having ever dream of touching in our life time. It was a great day!

Day 3

This is  my baby girl "cheesing" on our great NC fall days! She had her great hat and fall clothes that we have been wanting a month to put back on. We love the fall here in NC, all the great colors, lots of blankets, and hot coco!

Day 4

My sister came and stayed tonight and we did lots and lots of crafts. We made her a tutu for Halloween! We made some legges, and some jewelry! We have never made jewelry before and it was lots of fun!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Simple is good.

Simple is good. - Jim Henson.
I have started my pictures for my 31 days! YAY!
This is love! My baby girl wearing her monkey shirt; when she wants to wear it she make the sound that a monkey. Her legs that I made for her and some sock that we had that matched just right, and the great Once upon a child find, the hat! The face is a mix of her cheese face and the you are not going to get this picture face! I am in love with this girl. So once picture down 30 more to go.

Well, there has been somethings going on in my life the last few days that have really had me thinking about some many things. First on Friday I had a normal healthy man die in my arms. I don't mean he was sick or had been for awhile. This man was healthy for a men his age (60+) and had came to the nursing home to regain his strong and go home. Minutes before this happened we were talking about him going home for the holidays and his family, then the next he was gone. I just hear what we were saying in my head. How do you go on knowing that you were the last one to ever hear this person talk?  How do you get those "last" words out of your head? I had never had this happened so once this all started I had the worst panic attack. But once it was over I was like super women running down the hall hoping that we could save this man and that he would be home for the holidays.
It made all that was so wrong in my life at moment seem so small. While I still have bills that have to be paid and that I still don't know how it will all work out but I know that it will. I know that it always works out! I am also trying to let the small bad thing go and let the small big thing shine.
Today, my family went to the Lazy 5 Ranch in NC. We had so much fun and saw so many things. I did take lots of pictures but have not load them let, so once I do I will share.
So here is my thought for today....
Simple is good! So I am going for the simple in life. Maybe if I keep it simple the rest will just fall into place!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Nothing done!

Well, in my last post I said that I was going to be writing 20 letters and taking 31 pictures; well guess what I have not even started. As for the same about my diet and starting to lose weight. If I put more time into starting and finishing something as I do not doing; I bet I would have 20 great letters and 31 great pictures, I may even be down a few more pants sizes. I am bad  at getting started, finishing is not hard once I start it is like the chips saying "once your pop you can't stop" and I can't. I had the idea to make tutus for about a month before going out and getting the stuff. Then when I did I went wild, I love making them and see the eyes of the people I have made them for. Now if I could just get it in my head to start everything else. I AM GOING TO TAKE THE PICTURES IN OCT, since it does have 31 days. I say it in all caps hoping it will make me do it. I have not started the letter out of fear, the fear of how they will make me feel and what will come out. While I have been thinking about whom I would write to and what I would say I don't know if I can over come the fear. I guess I just need to get off my back side and do it. I do believe it will make a difference in a large part of my life and some of the things I hold in and still get upset about. I think that is what I fear if I do write it all down and get it out when something happens whom can I get mad at? No one but myself, which really is the only one I can get mad at now for letting it all still get to me and let it in pack my life now. I do think I need to let it all go and move on for myself and my family.
Well, onto better news. Our family has a new puppy which we are in love with. Her name is Maggie.
I will post a picture later, I don't have any good on my computer right now. She is a small dog weighting in at 3 lbs and my baby girl loves that because she can walk and hold her.
Well, here is until next post, hopefully I will have started on something!

Friday, September 17, 2010

20 letters/ 31 pictures!

I found this idea on another blog by: Living our love song. I have done a lot of internal growing while reading many blog and this blog is one that really had me with the first post. She blogs about two ideas one is to take 31 pictures in 31 days of anything that you with like and to talk about it. I will also be doing that. The second one is to 20 letters in 20 days. I hope I can get it done in 20 days. I am (thinking) of blogging each letter, but we will see how I feel about it after each letter. Here are whom you are to write a letter to:

1. A stranger
2. Your spouse, or your future spouse - even if you've never met them
3. Your child(ren) or future child
4. Your first love or crush
5. One to each of your parents
6. Someone in your life who has caused a lot of pain during your childhood
7. Your sibling(s)
8. Someone you've hurt
9. Someone you don't understand
10. Someone deceased
11. The person you'd want to take care of your children if you & your spouse are no longer alive
12. Your best girlfriend
13. Your dreams
14. Someone you don't talk to as much as you'd like
15. Your 13-year-old self
16. The person you miss the most
17. Someone you know who's going through the worst of times
18. Someone that caused someone you love (not you) a lot of pain when they were a child
19. Someone that changed your life
20. Your reflection in the mirror
I think this is going to be good and hard. I am afraid I will get a little mean. Pray that I don't get to mean and hurt anyone feelings.

Why don't you join in the "fun" of either one. If you don't have a blog put the pictures on your facebook.